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Activar tipografía sin serifa.


Conscious leadership based on ethics
Una mujer de traje y gafas caminando frente a un edificio

ILUNION Hotels moves towards a conscious leadership model based on ethics.

Una mujer corriendo por un bosque

We know that only through brave and stand-out leadership we can promote a true model of business humanism that helps to transform the economy and technology, placing people at the centre of development and social progress. 

We want our professionals to be leaders who promote the transformation of the company and its environments, helping to build the future we want ethically and inclusively.

EFQM +600

International certification that is committed to management excellence and recognises its innovative and sustainable performance.
Una vista de la Tierra desde el espacio

Communication with our stakeholders

Good communication with our stakeholders is an indispensable condition for strategically integrating sustainability, considering their demands and expectations into our decision-making.

Sustainable Procurement Policy

Our Compliance policy ensures a culture of compliance across the board, both with regulations and with the ethical standards of our organisation.
Una imagen borrosa de gente caminando por una calle