
Las siguientes funcionalidades permiten realizar ciertas modificaciones correctivas para ajustar la accesibilidad del sitio a tus necesidades.

Permite controlar el contraste de color entre la tipografía y el fondo.

Activar alto contraste.

Permite controlar la saturación de color.

Activar modo monocromático.

Permite controlar el tamaño de la letra, el espacio entre carácteres y el interletrado.

Activar tipografía sin serifa.


Promoting responsible tourism
Un hombre y una mujer sentados en una roca mirando la puesta de sol

At ILUNION Hotels we know that to be responsible towards the planet and people, which means taking these three aspects into account: PREVENT, MANAGE and REPAIR.


Preventing negative environmental impacts by carrying out exhaustive diagnostic analyses in each hotel.
Una mano tocando el agua


Optimal management of our main impacts to minimise and reduce them.
Un bosque con árboles y hierba. Un suelo verde cubierto de musgo con la luz del sol


Repair and fix the damage that our activity may have caused, always being transparent and coherent in this aspect.
Una mano plantando una pequeña planta

What helps us

achieve our goals

Certifications Measurement Science Ethics Behavioural changes Education Reform Reduction Reform Recycling Energy efficiency Transparency Water efficiency
Una vista de la Tierra desde el espacio

Every great challenge needs allies to achieve it

We can’t do it alone

Our staff are accomplices, ambassadors and allies in this process of change. If you have any questions, ask them.

We have also invited our suppliers to ‘be allies for this change’ as well as you, who have opened our website and are preparing for your stay at our hotels.

Because you are also an ally for change