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Where sleeping is waking up

Welcome to ILUNION Hotels


Sustainability is a path, a process and the backbone of our entire strategy.
Un río que corre a través de un bosque


For once, to open your eyes, all you have to do is close them.
Un hombre de pelo corto con camisa blanca

Diversity and inclusion

We like diversity. It brings a wealth of viewpoints, a key component of any great project.
Un hombre y una mujer haciendo yoga

Unique model

Thank you for dreaming with us and helping us to promote conscious, inclusive and accessible tourism.
Un sol poniéndose sobre las nubes


Much more than words… Find out how we aim to build a better world, which includes everyone.
Un primer plano de los ojos de una persona
Un edificio con ventanas y un letrero
ILUNION Hotels is the hotel division of the ONCE Social Group, a unique model in the world that seeks to promote sustainable, responsible, inclusive and accessible tourism.