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On 2 November we attended the award-giving ceremony held by Gala Acción Social at the auditorium of the Reina Sofia Museum.

Each year, Best Hotel Awards selects the best hotel and tourist brands as a means of promoting quality, best practices and customer-focussed service, while also giving importance to environmental management and social values.

The awards are a byword for quality, CSR and customer-focussed management, and receiving one greatly enhances the image of the selected establishments.

This year we received awards in two of the most important categories:

“Mejor proyecto de Turismo Responsable” award, for our business model, and “Mejor imagen de Marca Hotelera” award, for our Everyone-Inclusive Hotels campaign.

The awards were collected by José Ángel Preciados, CEO of ILUNION Hotels, David López Pachón, Director of Innovation, Sales and Marketing, and Yolanda Horrillo, Director of Institutional Relations.

Once again, the sector recognises our leading character as a profitable hotel model which is also socially-minded and sustainable.