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ILUNION presenta una guía de accesibilidad en el sector turístico

Alongside Jorge Marichal, President of CEHAT, and Ramón Estalella, General Secretary of ITH, our CEO, Jose Ángel Preciados, presented the ‘Basic Guidelines for Serving Customers with a Disability in Hotel Settings’ to the media.

In the words of Jorge Marichal, “all tourists have the same rights and the easiest way to guarantee those rights in our sector is through normalisation”. Ramón Estalella added: “In Spain, we can be proud to have ILUNION and the ONCE Foundation as role models for the whole world to follow”. Finally, José Ángel Preciados said: “We have demonstrated that it is possible to guarantee financial profitability while also ensuring social profitability”.
If you weren’t able to see the presentation live, you can watch it here. The full Guide is also available to download.

At ILUNION Hotels, we’re leading the way in good practices and are delighted to share them with the sector.