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We sponsor reto Pelayo 2018

ILUNION Hotels is the official hotel chain sponsor of the 4th edition of the Reto Pelayo Vida Annapurna 2018 challenge, which will be taking five Spanish women who have overcome breast cancer to the Annapurna Valley in Nepal. There, they will mountain bike over 300 kilometres at an altitude of more than 4300 metres, covering the distance between the cities of Pokhara and Lo Manthang, the capital of the forbidden kingdom of Mustang.

On behalf of our hotel chain, we would like to extend our support to all of the brave women and their families who are fighting this disease each day. In particular, we would like to pay tribute to Begoña, Gemma, Lorena, Cecilia and Noelia, the five brave women who will be taking on this tough challenge. They have beaten cancer and are proof that the disease is becoming less and less invincible.
This year, 246 female cancer survivors took part in the trials, including Spanish women living abroad (Italy, England, USA and Japan). Including the fourth edition of Reto Pelayo Vida, a total of 526 women have signed up for the trials after beating cancer. During the press conference, spokesperson and explorer for Reto Pelayo Vida, Begoña Valderrama, affirmed: “Rather than an illness, I see it as my chance to change my life and make it the perfect place for me to live.”

We would like to express our admiration and appreciation for these five brave women and for all the women and their families who are still fighting.