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We’ve upgraded the Qsostenible certificate in 20 hotels!

The International Council of Sustainable Buildings & Energy (CIES) has upgraded the QSostenible category of 20 ILUNION Hotels establishments, awarding the Evolution Plus category to 13 hotels, the Excellence category to five, and the Excellence + to two.

Our hotels ILUNION Alcalá Norte, Pío XII, Suites Madrid, Almirante, Auditori, Bel Art, Calas de Conil, Caleta Park, Fuengirola, Islantilla, Menorca, Badajoz and Romareda obtained the Evolution Plus category, which guarantees energy efficiency and sustainable and environmentally friendly management. ILUNION Barcelona, Aqua 3, Valencia 3, Valencia 4 and Sancti Petri achieved the Evolution Excellence category that guarantees more efficient facilities.

Lastly, ILUNION Aqua 4 and Atrium were awarded the highest QSostenible category, endorsing us as a chain that is committed to the environment and sustainable maintenance over time.

In recent years, our hotel chain has worked to cut down on emissions, to achieve water and energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, as well as recycling and environmental awareness. The strategy for the coming years will be focused on reducing CO2 and generating renewable energy.